Deploying a Symfony Application to AWS ECS


What is AWS ECS?

AWS ECS (Elastic Container Service) is a fully managed container orchestration service provided by Amazon Web Services. It allows you to easily run, scale, and manage Docker containers on a cluster of EC2 instances. With ECS, you can deploy and manage your applications in a highly scalable and efficient manner, without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure. It provides features such as automatic scaling, load balancing, and service discovery, making it an ideal choice for deploying containerized applications on AWS.

Why deploy Symfony on AWS ECS?

Deploying a Symfony application on AWS ECS offers numerous benefits. Firstly, ECS provides a scalable and highly available infrastructure, ensuring that the application can handle increased traffic and maintain a high level of performance. Additionally, ECS allows for easy deployment and management of containers, making it simple to update and scale the application as needed. Furthermore, AWS provides a wide range of services and tools that integrate seamlessly with ECS, such as load balancers, auto scaling, and monitoring, enhancing the overall reliability and efficiency of the deployment process. Overall, deploying a Symfony application on AWS ECS enables developers to leverage the power and flexibility of AWS cloud infrastructure, resulting in a robust and efficient deployment solution.

Overview of the article

In this article, we will provide an overview of how to deploy a Symfony application to AWS ECS (Elastic Container Service). AWS ECS is a fully managed container orchestration service that allows you to easily run and scale containerized applications. We will cover the steps involved in setting up the necessary infrastructure, configuring the ECS cluster, and deploying the Symfony application using Docker containers. Additionally, we will discuss best practices for managing and monitoring the deployed application. By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of the process and tools required to deploy a Symfony application to AWS ECS.


AWS account

In order to deploy a Symfony application to AWS ECS, you will need an AWS account. An AWS account provides access to a wide range of cloud services, including ECS, which is the service we will be using to host our Symfony application. If you don’t have an AWS account yet, you can easily create one by visiting the AWS website and following the sign-up process. Once you have an AWS account, you will need to configure your account settings and obtain your AWS access key ID and secret access key, which will be used to authenticate your application with AWS services.

Symfony application

Symfony is a popular PHP framework that allows developers to build robust and scalable web applications. With its powerful features and extensive documentation, Symfony makes it easy to develop complex applications with ease. When it comes to deploying a Symfony application to AWS ECS (Elastic Container Service), there are several steps involved. First, you need to create a task definition that defines how your application should run in a container. Then, you can create a service that uses the task definition to launch and manage your application. Finally, you can configure your load balancer to distribute traffic to your application instances. By following these steps, you can successfully deploy your Symfony application to AWS ECS and take advantage of the scalability and reliability of the AWS cloud.


Docker is a popular containerization platform that allows developers to package their applications and dependencies into a standardized unit called a container. It provides an efficient and consistent way to build, deploy, and run applications across different environments. When deploying a Symfony application to AWS ECS, using Docker containers can simplify the deployment process by providing a portable and self-contained environment. With Docker, developers can easily define the application’s dependencies, configuration, and runtime environment, ensuring consistent behavior across different deployments. Additionally, Docker’s scalability and isolation capabilities make it an ideal choice for deploying Symfony applications to AWS ECS, enabling efficient resource utilization and easy management of application instances.

Setting up AWS ECS

Creating an ECS cluster

Creating an ECS cluster is an essential step in deploying a Symfony application to AWS. An ECS cluster is a logical grouping of EC2 instances that run your application’s containers. It provides the infrastructure needed to manage and scale your application’s containers efficiently. To create an ECS cluster, you need to define the desired capacity of the cluster, specify the instance type and size, and configure the networking settings. Once the cluster is created, you can deploy your Symfony application to it and take advantage of the scalability and flexibility offered by AWS ECS.

Configuring task definitions

When configuring task definitions for deploying a Symfony application to AWS ECS, there are several important factors to consider. First, you need to define the container image that will be used for running your application. This image should include all the necessary dependencies and configurations. Additionally, you should specify the CPU and memory resources required by your application. This will ensure that your application has enough resources to run smoothly. Finally, you can also configure networking settings, such as the port mappings and security groups, to allow inbound and outbound traffic to your application. By carefully configuring the task definitions, you can ensure a successful deployment of your Symfony application on AWS ECS.

Setting up load balancer

After setting up the load balancer, the next step is to configure the necessary routing rules. This involves defining the target groups, which determine how traffic is distributed to the registered instances. Additionally, you will need to set up health checks to ensure that the instances are functioning properly. Once the routing rules and health checks are in place, the load balancer will effectively distribute incoming traffic across the instances, optimizing performance and ensuring high availability for your Symfony application.

Building Docker image

Creating a Dockerfile

When creating a Dockerfile for deploying a Symfony application to AWS ECS, there are a few key considerations to keep in mind. Firstly, it is important to include all the necessary dependencies and packages required by the Symfony application. This ensures that the application can run smoothly within the Docker container. Additionally, it is crucial to set up the appropriate environment variables and configurations in the Dockerfile, such as the database connection details and any other necessary settings. Lastly, it is recommended to optimize the Dockerfile by using multi-stage builds and caching mechanisms to reduce the image size and improve deployment speed. By following these best practices, deploying a Symfony application to AWS ECS becomes a streamlined and efficient process.

Building the Docker image

After completing the necessary setup and configuration, the next step in deploying a Symfony application to AWS ECS is building the Docker image. This involves creating a Dockerfile that defines the environment and dependencies for the application. The Dockerfile specifies the base image, installs necessary packages, copies the application code, and sets up any required configurations. Once the Dockerfile is ready, it can be used to build the Docker image using the Docker build command. This process ensures that the application is packaged with all its dependencies and can be easily deployed and scaled on AWS ECS.

Pushing the image to ECR

After successfully building the Docker image for our Symfony application, the next step is to push the image to the Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR). ECR is a fully managed container registry service provided by AWS, which allows us to store, manage, and deploy Docker container images. By pushing the image to ECR, we can easily deploy our Symfony application to AWS ECS (Elastic Container Service) later on. To push the image to ECR, we need to authenticate with our AWS account and configure the AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) with the necessary credentials. Once authenticated, we can use the ‘docker push’ command to upload the image to the ECR repository. After the push is complete, the image will be available in ECR and ready to be used for deployment.

Deploying Symfony application

Creating an ECS service

Creating an ECS service is a crucial step in deploying a Symfony application to AWS ECS. An ECS service allows you to define and manage the desired number of tasks running in your ECS cluster. It provides the ability to automatically scale your application based on demand, ensuring high availability and optimal performance. When creating an ECS service for your Symfony application, you need to specify the task definition, launch type, and other configuration settings. Additionally, you can configure load balancing, auto scaling, and health checks to further enhance the reliability and scalability of your application. By properly creating and configuring an ECS service, you can seamlessly deploy and manage your Symfony application on AWS ECS.

Configuring auto scaling

In order to configure auto scaling for our Symfony application deployed on AWS ECS, we need to make use of the Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) and the Auto Scaling Group (ASG) services provided by AWS. The ELB acts as the entry point for incoming traffic and distributes it across multiple instances of our application running on ECS. The ASG monitors the load on our application and automatically adjusts the number of instances based on predefined scaling policies. By configuring auto scaling, we can ensure that our application can handle varying levels of traffic and maintain high availability.

Testing the deployment

After successfully deploying a Symfony application to AWS ECS, it is crucial to thoroughly test the deployment to ensure that everything is functioning as expected. This includes testing the application’s functionality, performance, and scalability in the ECS environment. Additionally, it is important to validate that the deployment process is reliable and can be easily replicated. By conducting comprehensive testing, any potential issues or bugs can be identified and addressed promptly, ensuring a smooth and reliable deployment of the Symfony application on AWS ECS.


Summary of the article

In this article, we will provide a summary of the steps involved in deploying a Symfony application to AWS ECS. We will start by explaining the basic concepts of AWS ECS and how it works. Then, we will discuss the prerequisites for deploying a Symfony application to ECS, including setting up an AWS account, creating an ECS cluster, and configuring the necessary AWS resources. Next, we will guide you through the process of building a Docker image for your Symfony application and pushing it to Amazon ECR. Finally, we will cover the steps to deploy your Symfony application to ECS using the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI. By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of how to deploy a Symfony application to AWS ECS and be able to apply these concepts to your own projects.

Benefits of deploying Symfony on AWS ECS

Deploying a Symfony application on AWS ECS offers several benefits. Firstly, ECS provides a scalable and reliable infrastructure for hosting Symfony applications, ensuring high availability and performance. Additionally, ECS simplifies the deployment process by automating the management of containers, allowing developers to focus on building and improving their application. Moreover, AWS ECS integrates seamlessly with other AWS services, enabling developers to leverage the full power of the AWS ecosystem. Overall, deploying Symfony on AWS ECS streamlines the deployment process and provides a robust platform for running Symfony applications.

Next steps

After completing the deployment of your Symfony application to AWS ECS, there are a few next steps you can take to optimize and manage your application. Firstly, you can set up auto scaling to automatically adjust the number of ECS tasks based on the demand. This will ensure that your application can handle increased traffic without any downtime. Additionally, you can configure monitoring and logging to gain insights into the performance and health of your application. This will help you identify any issues and make necessary improvements. Lastly, you can explore other AWS services such as AWS Lambda and AWS RDS to further enhance the functionality and scalability of your Symfony application. By following these next steps, you can ensure that your Symfony application on AWS ECS is well-optimized, secure, and ready to handle any workload.